Quintalign is a combination of several "align" the pieces type games. It contains two main game modes played on 9x9 (and also smaller) game boards.
In the "align" mode [game: 1-5] you start with an empty board and have to prevent it from filling from randomly appearing pieces. This is done by aligning 5(4) or more pieces in any row, column or diagonal to remove them. 4-7 different colors as well as a joker piece are available on the board. Points are awarded for pieces removed.
In the "swap" mode [game: A-E] you start with a full board and swap neighboring pieces to align 3 pieces in any row or column to remove them from the board. To go to the next level a certain amount of moves need to be successfully made before a timer runs out. Points are awarded for pieces removed.
In the campagin games you can explore many different level designs. In the highscore games you play to beat local and world wide highscores. The kids games offer easier play and less options.
Quintalign game features:
* Two different game modes (align and swap)
* Two campaigns with 50 levels each
* Local and world wide highscore leaderboards
* Several different game and difficulty settings
* Fancy graphics with color blind/color weakness support (symbol overlay)
Note: If you have suggestions for levels or find any levels too difficult or too easy please contact us, we are happy to implement your feedback.
The application asks for internet access rights. This is used for global highscores and providing up-to-date links to Appstore apps. If you don't want this you can block internet access by using e.g. a privacy guard application. The main game application will then still work fine.
Quintalign adalah kombinasi dari beberapa "menyelaraskan" potongan-potongan permainan jenis. Ini berisi dua mode permainan utama yang dimainkan di papan permainan 9x9 (dan juga lebih kecil).
Dalam mode "menyelaraskan" [permainan: 1-5] Anda memulai dengan papan kosong dan harus mencegahnya mengisi dari potongan-potongan yang muncul secara acak. Ini dilakukan dengan menyejajarkan 5 (4) atau lebih potongan di baris, kolom, atau diagonal untuk menghapusnya. 4-7 warna berbeda serta potongan joker tersedia di papan tulis. Poin diberikan untuk potongan dihapus.
Dalam mode "swap" [permainan: A-E] Anda memulai dengan papan penuh dan menukar potongan tetangga untuk menyelaraskan 3 buah di setiap baris atau kolom untuk menghapusnya dari papan. Untuk menuju ke level berikutnya, sejumlah gerakan tertentu harus berhasil dibuat sebelum penghitung waktu habis. Poin diberikan untuk potongan dihapus.
Dalam permainan campagin Anda dapat menjelajahi berbagai desain tingkat yang berbeda. Dalam game highscore Anda bermain untuk mengalahkan highscores lokal dan dunia. Permainan anak-anak menawarkan permainan yang lebih mudah dan lebih sedikit pilihan.
Fitur permainan Quintalign:
* Dua mode permainan yang berbeda (menyelaraskan dan bertukar)
* Dua kampanye dengan masing-masing 50 level
* Papan peringkat highscore lokal dan dunia
* Beberapa pengaturan permainan dan kesulitan yang berbeda
* Fancy grafis dengan dukungan warna buta / warna kelemahan (simbol overlay)
Catatan: Jika Anda memiliki saran untuk level atau menemukan level apa pun yang terlalu sulit atau terlalu mudah silakan hubungi kami, kami senang untuk mengimplementasikan umpan balik Anda.
Aplikasi ini meminta hak akses internet. Ini digunakan untuk highscores global dan menyediakan tautan up-to-date ke aplikasi Appstore. Jika Anda tidak ingin ini, Anda dapat memblokir akses internet dengan menggunakan mis. aplikasi penjaga privasi. Aplikasi game utama akan tetap berfungsi dengan baik.
Quintalign is a combination of several "align" the pieces type games. It contains two main game modes played on 9x9 (and also smaller) game boards.
In the "align" mode [game: 1-5] you start with an empty board and have to prevent it from filling from randomly appearing pieces. This is done by aligning 5(4) or more pieces in any row, column or diagonal to remove them. 4-7 different colors as well as a joker piece are available on the board. Points are awarded for pieces removed.
In the "swap" mode [game: A-E] you start with a full board and swap neighboring pieces to align 3 pieces in any row or column to remove them from the board. To go to the next level a certain amount of moves need to be successfully made before a timer runs out. Points are awarded for pieces removed.
In the campagin games you can explore many different level designs. In the highscore games you play to beat local and world wide highscores. The kids games offer easier play and less options.
Quintalign game features:
* Two different game modes (align and swap)
* Two campaigns with 50 levels each
* Local and world wide highscore leaderboards
* Several different game and difficulty settings
* Fancy graphics with color blind/color weakness support (symbol overlay)
Note: If you have suggestions for levels or find any levels too difficult or too easy please contact us, we are happy to implement your feedback.
The application asks for internet access rights. This is used for global highscores and providing up-to-date links to Appstore apps. If you don't want this you can block internet access by using e.g. a privacy guard application. The main game application will then still work fine.